Kaiser Permanente San Leandro ,CA
Kaiser Permanente is located in San Leandro CA. A 263 bed project was design by Ellerbe Becket where I was part of the collaboration team. One of the many challenges I faced during the design development was to protect the building, located under the water table with underground occupancy spaces. in addition to the waterproofing challenges, we took in consideration all the seismic movement for the expansion joints located as well underground. with the support of an experience waterproofing company we were able to successfully provide the necessary detailing documentation for the most critical building conditions.

Kaiser Permanente
The new acute-care medical center includes inpatient nursing functions, medical imaging/radiology, clinical labs, operating rooms and recovery spaces, pharmacies, and support facilities.

Kaiser Permanente
A central utility plant contains all of the necessary major mechanical and electrical equipment necessary to support the medical center.

Kaiser Permanente
The campus also provides surface parking for up to 2,100 vehicles. A number of “green” building features were implemented throughout the Medical Center.